Executive Committee Elections

The open elected positions include: Membership Chair (new position), Information Chair (incumbent running), Public Relations Chair (incumbent running) and the Communications Chair. All ACL members in good standing are encouraged to apply.
To read more about the duties of these positions, please click here.
During this time, an Ad Hoc Nominations Committee will be formed. The Ad Hoc Nominations Committee will consist of prior and current ETC leadership, prior Ad Hoc Nominations Committee members and several members at large. The current chair will serve as a non-voting member on the committee. The committee will be tasked with reviewing all election materials, processes, and nominee applications and work to ensure that the ETC Executive Committee is representative of the membership in languages, levels, regions, and other factors related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as outlined by the American Classical League's Strategic Plan. To see last year election slate and prior elections, please click the link.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our the Chair of the Ad Hoc Nominations Committee, Amy Mason at elections@etclassics.org
Nomination Process:
New for 2023-2024, a streamlined one step application process, a nudge form to sollict others to apply, an expanded nominations committee with diverse composition, non-voting leadership, and an evaluation rubric.
Members who wish to serve on the Executive Committee are encouraged to:
- Review the executive committee position descriptions and responsiblities.
- Attend an optioned Elections Q and A Zoom Session.
- Complete the nomination form, including questions, personal statement, and media release form.
The deadline for nominations will be announced on social media and through an email blast to all membership.
Nominations Evaluation Process:
After you've completed the nominations form,
- The Ad Hoc Nominating Committee will meet to review the submitted applications as well as the open position responsibilities.
- All nominees will be notified as to whether to not they were selected to appear on the official election slate.
- Form responses and photos will be used to compile an Election website.
- The final election slate and election website will be announced via an email blast to the membership ahead of the voting window.
Voting Process:
In accordance with Excellence Through Classics's desire to expand opportunities for volunteer leadership that reflect its commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, the timeline and application process for elections has changed. The voting window will be announced and votes will be collected via a google form.
Executive Committee Expectations:
All members of the ETC Executive Committee are expected to partipcate in four Executive Committee meetings each year: Some travel is required; however, ETC will cover associated travel costs per the reimbrusement policy. Additional virtual meetings may also be required during the year. It is expected that Executive Committee members will come to the meetings prepared and ready to dedicate time to the ETC business. Members are asked to read all materials sent in advance of a metting, respond in a timely fashion, and contact the Chair with questions and or concerns prior to the membership.
Executive Committee members are also required to:
- If attending ACL Institute, to attend and participate in ETC events, and perform other dtuies at Instittue as requested
- Serve on commmittees as directed by the Chair
- Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair
- Actively recruit members and volunteers